Tuesday, September 26, 2006

If you haven't already done so, go as soon as possible and grab a copy of the latest issue of Christian School Education (Vol. 10 Number 1) that just came out. There should be copies in your school office. If not, send me an email and I'll mail you one.

The lead article is a very important one by Nancy Pearcy, one of the best public minds the church has. The article is worth reading and discussing.

One of the vital arguments she makes is that Christian schools often suffer from a "failure of nerve, " or a lack of confidence in their own distinctive vision. They fail to articulate a biblical worldview that relates their religious commitment to the academic disciplines taught in the classroom.

Notice that she does not claim that they become "liberal" (whatever that may mean) or that they compromise on doctrinal issues. What she is arguing is that conservative doctrinal purity is not necessarily sufficient to ensure taht a school has a soldly biblical understanding of their disciplines. She relates the story of Tom, a Christian college student who lost his faith while at an evangelical college. Why? Not because the college lacked doctrinal purity, but, at least in part, because when he asked his teachers how they related their faith to their academic work, "Not one could give me an answer. It became clear that they had only a tenuous understanding of how to reconcile their faith with their academic disciplines. [Eventually], I came to believe that faith in God was without solid intellectual foundation. It was shattering."

The rest of the article deals with the fact/value split that is so common today. Definitely an article worth picking up.


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